locus shift brings much
satisfaction, expanding
my world delights me
(c) 2023, 09.06.23
each character in
my life has tagged me with a
unique sobriquet
my dears:
gifted with trust i
hold secrets and accept them
where and as they are
(c) 2023, 09.02.23
i struggle for words
a maelstrom swirls inside me
trust intuition
(c) 2023, 09.01.23
rescue breathing:
at night’s end when the
flames have gone, embers remain.
breathe life into them
(c) 2023, 08.31.23
the little dress fits
cute in polka dots i feel
happy as can be
(c) 2023, 08.30.23
self love:
i’m the center of
my universe and i am
surrounded by love
(c) 2023, 08.27.23
sweet and light spirit
a laughter and warmth cocoon
my hair is messy
(c) 2023, 08.26.23
to my boos:
san francisco femme
friends, i love your free spirits
your presence is joy
(c) 2023, 08.25.23
oddly intimate
my body forever changed
you have gentle hands
(c) 2023, 08.23.23
moto bromance:
mind silent because
our crazy rhythm matches
and we rode like hell
(c) 2023, 08.20.23
arrivederci annie:
sometimes you know a
decision is right and it
is quickly confirmed
(c) 2023, 08.19.23
i am the center
of my universe i am
the sun and the stars
(c) 2023, 08.18.23
hell on wheels:
i ride the road to
awesome join me or get out
of my merry way
(c) 2023, 08.17.23
laughter is medicine:
often amused i
walk through life chuckling at the
antics of others
(c) 2023, 08.16.23
the praise written was
erased and in its place is
only emptiness
(c) 2023, 08.16.23
lift and drop:
in love and riding
there’s lift yet both are danger-
ous if you are dropped.
(c) 2023, 08.14.23
external beauty
holds my eye briefly but good
souls own mine always
(c) 2023, 08.14.23
impending doom:
the fuse is lit, count
down to detonation and
clear the blast radius
(c) 2023, 08.10.23
diamonds suit me as
they add to my luster, we
are formed by pressure
(c) 2023, 08.08.23
this woman seems quite aloof
but my eyes don’t lie
(c) 2023, written weeks ago but i cannot recall when
fierce love:
she is trusted and
she is loved by me for her
awesome character
(c) 2023, 07.31.23
for my girlfriend Ruthie. i’m so very grateful she exists and i love her to bits.
bitte vergiss nicht
dass ich dich liebe, mein schatz
glaub mir, sei sicher
(c) 2023, 07.31.23
each relationship
is its own vessel and should
stay with its own walls
(c) 2023, 07.31.23
sympathetic joy:
my joy is boundless
and it is fed by the joy
of people i love
(c) 2023, 07.27.23
siren song:
adventure awaits
it beckons me sweetly and
i can not resist
(c) 2023, 07.26.23
it’s strange the moments that stick with you:
our conversation
at ocean beach was sweet and
(c) 2023, 07.24.23
tone deaf:
sometimes digital
communication leaves me
feeling quite confused
(c) 2023, 07.23.23
where is my mind?:
our wavelengths are
not the same feet in the air
and head on the ground.
(c) 2023, 07.22.23
i don’t know whether
to stay or go and this is
true for work and home
(c) 2023, 05.22.23
twisting the throttle
is how i find my zen flow
and feel what’s holy
(c) 2023, 05.21.23
i love his nice voice
and accent and my head on
his chest as he speaks
(c) 2023, 05.20.23
it feels so good to
have words to describe the way
that i love others
(c) 2023, 05.19.23
joey zak:
our relationship
to our bodies can be fraught
with mixed emotions
(c) 2023, 05.18.23
(you are beautiful as you are. 😘)
lascia stare:
poking and prodding
feels like interrogation
not intimacy
(c) 2023, 05.17.23
so unobservant
and shielded one cannot see
sweetness flowing forth
(c) 2023, 05.16.23
dear youngster you’re
cute yet without patience which
turns me the fuck off
(c) 2023, 05.16.23
lily pad:
do you bounce from one
lover to the next like frogs
on lily pads do?
(c) 2023, 05.15.23
sehnsucht nach dir ist
eine süße holle das
ich nicht fliehen kann
(c) 2023, 05.14.23
‘neath cherry blossoms
i rest and gaze upon the
glory of nature
(c) 2023, 05.14.23
the energy has
a hold and i ponder if
it should be exchanged
(c) 2023, 05.13.23
means the interplay
of light and shadow akin
to missing your love
(c) 2023, 05.12.23
i miss your kisses
they are intoxicating
like our chemistry
(c) 2023, 05.10.23
working for myself
creating clarity so
that i move forward
(c) 2023, 05.09.23
i muted you:
dear friend i love you
but your negativity
is a crushing weight
(c) 2023, 05.07.23
i try to love and support my friends. i truly do. but there comes a point where my own vitality and joy override that desire. today, i put my dearest friend on mute because i
take it.
do not expect things to change if you do not put forth effort to change them.
decay is not bad
death feeds life and nurtures
what is yet to come
(c) 2023, 05.04.23
is how i describe last week
i forgot growth hurts
(c) 2023, 05.03.23
i loathe hierarchy
relationship anarchy
fits my heart the best
(c) 2023, 05.02.23
i am not so brave:
being loved hurts more
than accepting life alone
hope is dangerous
(c) 2023, 05.01.23
lachrymose wheeling:
lachrymose wheeling
face shield open like my heart
my armor removed
(c) 2023, 04.30.23
wings and cages:
how much space may i
take up when others jostle
for your attention?
(c) 2023, 04.29.23
er hat mir gesagt
dass er mich liebt und mein herz
singt wie ein vogel.
(c) 2023, 04.28.23
just the tip is seen
unless rocked by the ocean
no one sees below.
(c) 2023, 04.27.23
wise words from a friend. i turned them into a haiku because , well, it’s what i do.
your energy shan’t
be colonized or stolen
protect your own wealth
(c) 2023, 04.26.23
emotional intimacy:
a venn diagram of
lovers who’ve seen my tears has
little overlap
(c) 2023, 04.26.23
vessel full in all
ways my being is soothed and
blissfully content
(c) 2023, 04.25.23
numan in concert
ministry followed and they
still fucking rock hard
(c) 2023, 04.21.23
we drove rather far
and i liked our time on the
journey together
(c) 2023, 04.19.23
god of war:
the moon squares mars
and my temper is fiery
best leave me alone
(c) 2023, 04.18.23
sometimes i need to
dissociate and to observe
and not to connect
(c) 2023, 04.17.23
i am peaceful love
walk on me but don’t fuck with
a mama bear’s cubs
(c) 2023, 04.11.23
giro in moto:
muscles ache stiffly
i reckon the riding is
to blame for this pain
(c) 2023, 04.11.23
the air was like a
caress on my skin flowing
warm like my body
(c) 2023, written 04.10.23
i’m free breaking the
law riding swiftly wind in
face feeling my joy
(c) 2023, written 04.09.23
we are free adults.
gimme a number or fuck off
i am not patient
(c) 2023, 04.08.23
life cut short:
i witness decay
her body fails but she won’t
love it tenderly
(c) 2023, 04.07.23
ranunculi are
blossoming yellow ‘neath grey
skies and so i smiled
(c) 2023, written 04.06.23
i chose joy despite
considerable delay.
yet, i am quite tired.
(c) 2023, written 04.05.23
san francisco:
i left my heart and
found myself. i’d reckon that
it was a fair trade.
(c) 2023, written 04.05.23
suspended over
water. spanning hills. golden
in the dawn’s soft light
(c) 2023, written 04.02.23
a relationship
was distilled into a few
pictures. nothing more.
(c) 2023, written 03.31.23
back in the city
lover’s wing is broken and
he can’t play in bed
(c) 2023, written 03.29.23
awaiting response
the pending message hopes for
(c) 2023, written 03.28.23
he once stretched me wide
and sank inside of me while
i moaned with pleasure
(c) 2023, written 03.27.23
waylon once sang that
women know how to carry
on. he is correct.
(c) 2023, written 03.26.23
smiles produced by the
use of sarcomeres on
a beautiful day
(c) 2023, written 03.26.23
using words is not
that hard to do but it can
spare some suffering.
(c) 2023, written 03.25.23
stood up:
pretty girl stood up
lingerie back in the drawer
tears roll on cheeks
(c) 2023, written 03.25.23